Black Friday!

25 11 2011

This is the second Black Friday in a row where I have had to work, but this one was much more relaxed. Last year, I had to be at Target by 3:15am to work on a cash register for 4 straight hours while crazy shoppers pushed and shoved each other. This year, I gave a test to my 12th graders, listened to some of my 6th graders favorite music, and played “Win-Lose-or-Draw” with my 5th graders! This year was definitely less stressful!

This has been a great week with my classes – having them share some of their favorite things in live, about Romania, or whatever those chose to share. I have heard several students sing songs for the class – some in Romanian and some in English; I have heard poems and stories in Romanian (and then explained in English); and I have listened to students explain their favorite books, movies, or songs. All-in-all, a good week in classes.

And, on top of that, yesterday’s Thanksgiving celebration at my place was a big success . . . everything I attempted to cook turned out well, and all the food brought was excellent! I ended up with 9 friends over last night, and we ate until we could not eat anymore, and then we had dessert. 😉 Afterwards, we played games until after midnight and just enjoyed each others’ company.

Apparently, my fried chicken and pumpkin bread were a big hit, because everyone wanted me to tell them how to cook the chicken and wanted the recipe for the pumpkin bread. Slowly, Timisoara is going to become “Southern”.

Finally, on a different note, I have now been in Romania for my longest stay without leaving the country! However, I am still waiting on my Visa, which means at some point soon, I will have to venture over to Hungary. Also, next Thursday, 12/1, is Romania National Day – my first day off from school this semester! Most of my students do not know more than that they get the day off, because there’s really no celebrations, etc. that go along with it, but – just for you – this day celebrates the unification of Romania in 1918 when Transylvania united with Romania ending the “Great Union”.



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